EPIC Guarantee
We deliver you Engaged Potential Customers so you can easily convert them to Engaged Potential Customers.
  • Our EPiC Guarantee program delivers you all of the benefits of a coordinated radio and digital program PLUS a guaranteed minimum number of Engaged Potential Customers (EPCs).
  • EPCs are ready-to-go prospects who have been exposed to the campaign and were motivated to fill out a form or call your business asking for more information.
  • You receive contact information from your EPCs in real time so you can easily convert them into loyal customers just as soon as they’ve expressed interest.
  • If you haven’t received the minimum number of guaranteed EPCs by the end of the campaign flight, we will extend your advertising campaign at no charge.
Exposure to Our Coordinated Radio + Digital Campaign
Delivers Engaged Potential Customers to Your Business
Primed to be Converted into Engaged Potential Customers
Epic Guarantee
We are your one stop shop for guaranteed results.